Most serious bowlers wish to develop a hook shot but their motivations may be varied. First, the hook is the best way to achieve consistency and the pocket is the best spot to hit if you want to maximize pin carry and get more strikes. Others might simply wish to hook because it looks much more impressive than a straight shot!
No matter what your motivation, learning to bowl a hook is one of the best things you can do for your game (along with getting your own ball). If you plan to bowl in a league or even on a more regular basis than once every few months, you will do a lot for yourself by developing a hook.
I’m always on the lookout for helpful bowling videos (and I eventually plan to produce some exclusively for Recently I came across this one about learning how to control your hook and I found it helpful so I thought I’d share it with you all.
The bowling coach covers various things including how to throw more or less hook when you want to, for example when facing different lane conditions. Take a look at it and let me know what you thought! And if you have any other tips on learning how to control your hook, share them in the comments below!
I’m really confused with the speed of the swing and speed of feet. If you speed up your swing,you must increase speed of your feet or your timing is all off.Same goes with slowing down your swing. The feet must also slow down to correct timing.