After you’ve bowled for a little while, it’s natural to want to learn how to bowl with a hook.
You’ve might have seen people in the adjacent lanes putting a huge curve on the ball and smashing it into the pins for strike a strike. We certainly don’t think there’s anything wrong with this; who wouldn’t want to do that regularly!
Most bowlers start experimenting with hooking by using a two finger release. With a little practice, this is very simple to do, and certainly has its advantages.
But in this article, I’m going to point out why two finger hooking is not recommended long-term, and what you ought to do instead.
First of all, two finger bowling means that you insert two fingertips (the middle and ring fingers) into the ball. The thumb is kept out.
Pros and Cons of Two Finger Hook Bowling
With so little of your hand in the finger holes, it is quite easy to generate a big hook. All you have to do is twist your fingers up and to the side of the ball as you release. Some bowlers rotate their wrist a bit as well.
Practicing this for a few frames is usually all you’ll need to be spinning the ball significantly.
Another advantage is that you can do it with just about any house ball; it does not need to be custom fitted because you do not insert the thumb.
But this release very quickly will run into problems. Instead of using a straight arm backswing, you are forced to use a shorter, jerky “chicken wing” motion because you don’t have the added support of your thumb inside the ball.
There is also a more significant risk for wrist injuries (even if you use a wrist support). Your shot, while it might look impressive, will also be very hard to control.
Generating consistency is the bane of the two finger bowler, and it is nearly impossible to adjust to different lane conditions. Bowling balls have a thumb hole for a reason; the thumb plays a major role in controlling your shot.
Two-Finger vs. Three-Finger Grip for Bowling a Hook
While it can be fun to spin the ball using a two finger hook, if you are serious about improving your game and bowling a consistently high average, you should start learning a proper hook, in which all three fingers are inserted into the ball.
In order to make this adjustment, it’s recommended to invest in your own bowling ball.
The truth is, the only way to have a big hook and look like the pros while using an alley ball is to use a two finger spin. And in reality, this is radically different from what the pros are doing.
A good reactive resin ball (as opposed to cheap plastic or polyester) can be found at great prices online, and you can take it to your local pro shop to get it drilled to your hand.
Once you’ve made this small but important investment in your game, you can start practicing with a three finger grip, and after putting in some practice, you’ll realize why two finger hooking is so unreliable!
This is our general advice for most bowlers, but we do concede that there are some notable exceptions, even at the highest levels, of two-finger bowlers who find success. If that’s you, we’d love to hear about it but we do still think that learning to use three fingers is advantageous for most bowlers.
Be sure to check out our bowling articles series here on BeginnerBowlingTips.com for more tips on achieving a proper bowling hook shot.
I’m a two finger bowler on my strike ball and a 3 finger bowler on my spares… I have found the two finger method to be very effective and just like 3 finger bowling… After time the “consistency” comes. I carry a 200 average and have occasional series in the mid 700’s with 1 300 in league play… Been bowling 2 years. Unconventional methods are looked at as being inferior to traditional methods, I dont agree… Look at the current top bowler in the world… He Bowles two handed and has a very short an awkward backswing… Lary Bird has the worst looking jumpshot second only to Reggie miller, both considered to be the top shooters ever… To all you bowlers pushing the boundaries…. Keep going’
Adam, thanks for the comment. I enjoy hearing your perspective and definitely agree that consistency can be achieved with hard work no matter how many fingers of a grip you use. This article was mostly geared towards recreational bowlers who bowl on house patterns and don’t yet know the challenges of more difficult patterns they would encounter in leagues or tournaments. In a lot of cases, using a three-finger grip will lead to more consistency, but I’m glad that your experience (and that of others) proves that this isn’t a hard and fast rule. Best of luck.
I agree two finger bowling is controllable with hard practice, I see more bowlers unable to release there thumb using the traditional method or not even knowing they need to release the thumb first. Once I hit the lanes they try and imitate my two finger style with no success. The only major difference I see between the two styles is 3 finger bowlers can throw the ball faster with little control. “Nothing hits like a two finger bowler”
I would like to say I am a no thumd bowler that has averaged 200 or more for 4 yes and have had people tel me they can’t tell that I’m not using my thumb. They also say tgey don’t hear the ball hit the lane when I throw it either. By the way another unconventional method is 2 hands and for the last 2 years they have been beating or better that the other pros so I don’t believe that conventional bowling methods are better just different in how they use the physics of the ball to get a strike. Mainly you need speed and consistency for good bowling scores
I have been bowling with two fingers for six years with a 212 average, 2 300 games and many 700 series. Consistency come with practice no matter how you do anything. All because three fingers is normal doesn’t make it right for everyone. I broke my wrist when i was 17 in a car accident and i can’t use 3 fingers, but i do put my thumb tip in sometimes and slightly turn my wrist towards my body about 10 degrees.
I am right there with you, I could not throw a ball straight using 3 fingers so switched to 2 fingers, essentially because I broke my ulnar and have a plate in my arm from riding bulls, so the 2 fingers helps alot and i continue to get better each week.
I had tommy John on my ucl!! I grew up playing baseball and continued into college, I was a terrible bowler with three fingers and was never comfortable!! I have only been bowling for a little over a year with 2 fingers and have been able to steadily get better!
I have been bowling for many years, and I have always bowled two finger style. I am now 50 and still bowling that way. I have been told that I look as smooth and controlled as any conventional 3 finger bowler. The important thing is to keep a consistent speed and release. Over turning or throwing to fast can develop in a very inconsistent result. To be successful, it takes practice and total concentration on the proper release and speed. Get that on the right track and you can score high often.
If you’re good with 2 fingers and consistent you would be phenomenal with a fingertip ball.
My wife just joined a bowling team, and she wants to make sure she does a pretty good job at it. That being said, I really appreciate you sharing with me some insight about how to properly throw a bowling ball. I definitely think that if my wife were to follow your insight, that she’d do a really good job. I’ll be sure to show this video to her right away. Thanks for your help.
I am a two finger bowler and just started a league not long ago. It’s true I have the highest rev rate and it’s a pain sometimes. I tried using my thumb but my ball just goes straight as an arrow. Even though my average is one of the lowest in the league I am definitely the most consistent. Not sure if that’s a plus being consistently low but ill take it! Ha
I’m a 2 finger bowler and I’ve had a 300 game as well as many 700 series its not that difficult to be consistent without your thumb in the ball, in saying that I can still average 210 in league with my thumb in the ball it doesn’t seem to affect my rev rate or consistency bowling with 2 fingers just feels more comfortable for me.
Whenever I go to tournaments and things I’m constantly being told that the way I bowl is wrong but I generally have the highest average at the end of the event so I Dont understand how my bowling style could be wrong or inconsistent if I’m managing to keep up and even beat bowlers using there thumb.. I’m only a youth bowler btw
Dont let my name fool you lol. 2 finger bowlers have their advantages. I learned with a pro ball, if you flip it to where the thumb hole is on top instead of on bottom gives you less hook (cause of how the newer balls have one side of core bigger on one side). Try it
I stated with 3 fingers and a strong desire to hook. I never could do 2 fingers until one week, I committed to it. I threw 5 games of a 47 bowling average. Then one day it clicked and I was so good at it that I could do a full swing with never using a thumb. At times my swing will release funky and I’ll shoot right down the middle with a very light hook. I still get 6-9 pins that way on a pure accident. My bowling average on a house ball is now 100. I’m only 2 months in… I plan to get a reactive ball and fear I’ll over hook. I bet in time I’ll be ok and in the 200’s.
I think you need to find a style that fits you and there are few things that matter. 1) learn to aim constantly. I shoot zone 3 (near the gutter) and ride it all the way down. If that is not working for you (too many gutters) go zone 2. 2) understand your oil patters and how to adjust. 3) shoot with the heaviest ball that does not leave wrist pain or is at least comfortable. 4) learn two swings, a swing for spares and a swing to strikes. 5) Find a ball you like and try not to change, get good at one type of ball.
war all ball does everyone here use im a 3 finger bowler and looking to buy a new ball just looking for some advise from other ppl the bowl like me
2 finger i ment lol
Great thread. I’ve been no-thumb for over 20 years of occasional rec bowling – never a league, & using an older but smooth 13lb poly Gyro ave 180ish with occasional runs of 6-7 strikes in a row. Hit a 247 last week. No brag just saying I feel my release is pretty consistent. I really need to learn oil adjustment for true consistency (esp when dry) and likely need a better ball, but that’s another topic for another thread. Being my only ball, I use it for spares too.
I’ve yet to read/hear if others “CLOCK” or turn their ball position at holding rest pre-approach to add/remove hook based on middle finger rotation from starting position…as a right-hander:
Palm up, for MORE hook, I rotate it counterclockwise = middle finger release rotation of around 5pm-12pm
for LESS hook, I rotate clockwise = middle finger back for minimal middle finger rotation of ~1 or 2pm-12pm (ex. single 10 pin spare)
I’d love input from you fellow 2 finger bowlers on this. -Thanks
It’s just one adjustment that’s cool to play with. Release aim and ball speed being the other major factors. Finding the right combo is certainly tricky – again, possibly another thread but I’ll take what info I can get!
So what is the best approach when throwing a two finger ball