Scoring in bowling is relatively straightforward but does have some interesting quirks. At its most basic, you record the number of pins that fell for each shot. But when you mix in strikes and spares, things get a little more complicated. Our article on bowling scoring walks you through the different factors that can affect […]
Taking Notes for Bowling Improvement
When it comes to the equipment and accessories needed for bowling, it’s likely that a few specific things come to your mind. A bowling ball, of course. Bowling shoes too, then maybe a glove or wrist support. A notebook, on the other hand, is unlikely to earn a spot on your list. But perhaps it […]
What are the Best Smartphone Apps for Bowling
Gadgets and smartphone apps for various sports have exploded in popularity in recent years. For many people, these emerging tech tools have revolutionized their game and help them track, identify issues and opportunity, and improve. But what about bowling? Since it’s a game with less movement and fewer “stats” than most others, are there any […]